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AlterHosting LLC. Web site, mail and application hosting provider.
Automated and custom web design and development services.
Turn key e-commerce solutions.


Wide Spectrum of Hosting Features

should be the core of any web hosting services provided to customers, we at AlterHosting strongly believe in it. That's why our main strategy is to expand and diversify the range of hosting services and hosting features to meet very different needs, from students and grannies keeping their blogs and galleries to businessmen and web developers working on cutting edge of modern web technologies. So, we're always adding new web hosting features to satisfy all kinds of web presences, including but not limited to:

  • personal sites, blogs, galleries etc
  • community sites
  • information and news portals
  • small business sites
  • corporate sites
  • e-mail solutions
  • e-commerce sites with on-line stores (selling from a few products to thousands items)

Hosting Features for Newbies and Professionals

Below you can find Web Hosting Feature List to get sure you requirements are met. If you are a novice in web mastering it may seem a bit complicated. But don't get confused. Most likely we support web hosting features you will need to build and manage your site. Having doubts? Don't hesitate to contact our Support and Sales Persons and ask all your questions. We'll walk you through and help you find the best and affordable web hosting solution for your particular needs.

If you don't find the feature you need on the list, please contact our staff - the latest features may not yet be listed. We can also add web hosting features you need upon customer's request.

Need to know exact software version installed on AlterHosting servers? Please, contact our staff. But stay assured we have the latest stable versions installed.

General Hosting Features

Get all the power of UNIX based hosting

Our experience has led us to choose UNIX based systems to provide the highest levels of performance, availability, and reliability possible for you. UNIX based system installed on most reliable hardware platforms located in state-of-art datacenters with redundant backbones allow us at AlterHosting to guarantee the highest level of hosting services provided to our customers and grow with you.

  • UNIX Based Systems
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon)
    • FreeBSD 4.10 (ALTERHOSTING)
  • Powerfull Hardware Platorms
    • Intel Dual Xeon 2.4 GHz
    • 2 GB RAM and more
  • Fast, Redundant Internet connection
    • 14 Gigabit Ethernet links
    • Six separate backbone providers
  • Advanced Hosting Account Management Software
    • PLESK Control Panel
    • ENSIM Web Appliance
    • AlterHosting Hosting Management System

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Client Support Advantages

FREE Unlimited support to all our customers

Even most robust web hosting services with most advanced web hosting features can be absolutely useless and bring nothing but frustrating on-line experience if you can't get efficient help and support with troubleshooting mail, hosting, domain or billing issues. And we at AlterHosting value and understand the importance of quality support and service.
That's why we offer FREE Unlimited support to all our customers. It doesn't matter whether you have a $1 plan or pay hundreds of dollars monthly - stay assured you will receive help and support whenever it's needed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can choose the most comfortable way for you to get web hosting assistance:

  • 24x7x365
  • Toll Free Telephone Support
  • Live Chat
  • Helpdesk request
  • Unlimited E-Mail Support
  • Hosting Knowledge Base
  • Getting Started Hosting Guide
  • Hosting FAQs
  • Hosting Tutorials
  • Forum
  • Script Library with Installation Guide
  • Moving your site from old host FREE

It's our goal to simplify Web hosting services, while accommodating the most demanding customers needs. That's why we often go far beyond standard hosting support, and help you find and tune your own scripts and programs, move from old host and fix all errors etc. Your feedback is very important to us, and helps improve the services.

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Web Hosting Features

Apache Web Server and Web Hosting Features

Every web site needs Web Server to live on the Internet. And it the quality of Web Server that determines web hosting features a hosting presence company can offer to the customers. That's why AlterHosting runs Apache Web Server, that has been the most popular and feature-rich, powerful and reliable, user configurable and extensible with third-party modules. Most important Apache web hosting features you benefit with AlterHosting Web Hosting Services:

  • graphical web site statistics
    • Modlogan, Analogue etc
    • Statistic representation in graphs and tables
    • A lot of reports (visits, pages viewed, referrers, user agents, search engine robots, search strings etc)
  • raw logs
    • detailed look at your site's visitors
    • detailed information about the errors in your scripts
  • .htaccess
    • password protecting folders
    • Statistic representation in graphs and tables
    • custom error pages
    • changing your file extensions
    • banning users with certain IP addresses
    • only allowing users with certain IP addresses
    • stopping directory listings
    • using a different file as the index file
    • and more web server settings on user level
  • mod_rewrite
    • redirect failing requests
    • provide the optimum of browser dependent content
    • create a dynamic mirror
    • automatically refresh the page every time there is a new version
    • block a robot from retrieving pages of a specific webarea
    • block hotlinking (making hyperlinks to your images and generating useless traffic)
    • and more
  • mod_ssl
    • Secure Sockets Layer
    • Transport Layer Security protocols
    • Data encryption
  • error_docs
  • mod_cgi
  • mod_perl
  • mod_so
  • mod_php
  • mod_access
  • mod_python
  • mod_includes (Server Side Includes)
  • mod_negotiation
  • Apache:ASP
  • and more

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Domain Hosting Features

Domain Name That Promotes You and Your Business

The domain name is the “address” of your website - the name that visitors type in to the location window of their browser to get to your homepage. We at AlterHosting understand how important for commercial success is to own your own net identity. If you don't have a Domain Name yet we can register for you a unique domain name of your choice in .com .net .org .info .biz .us. Such unique address makes your web presence more professional and more memorable to your visitors. Full control over the domain name and easy domain name management is what we offer to you at very competitive prices:

  • $14.99/year domain name registration in .com, .net, org, .biz, .us, .info
  • Free domain name regsitration (with annual payment options)
  • Discount domain name registration (for bulk registration and as loyalty bonus)
  • Domain name web-based management interface:
    • Name Servers management
    • Domain Name Contacts management
    • Domain name Transfer
    • Easy Domain Name Renewal
    • Domain Owner Change
    • DNS records management (MX, A, NS, TXT etc)
    • Split Mail and HTTP traffic
    • Subdomains Creation
    • Mail Accounts Creation
  • International Domain Name Hosting (,,, il etc)
  • Search Tool for Available Domains
  • Whois LookUp

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Interactive Hosting Features

Make Your Site Interactive

The notion of a site as “number of flat formatted text pages with images” is outdated, nobody wants such a site - everyone needs a site with interactive features. The web surfer expects that he would be able to sent feedback from the site, vote the poll, share his opinion on the forum, seek instant assistance in Live Chat, at last - buy goods or services on the web. For you to be able to make your site interactive, your web hosting provider must support specific technologies and programming languages. AlterHosting Team strategy is to support existing, time-proved technologies and programming languages as well as most advanced and cutting edge web technologies to satisfy most demanding clients needs and even be one step ahead.
Interactive Technologies and Programming languages AlterHosting supports include among the others:

  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
  • Perl
  • Perl Modules(new modules installed per request FREE)
  • suexec for perl scripts
  • mod_perl
  • PHP
  • mod_php
  • PEAR (new PEAR modules installed per request FREE)
  • Zend Engine
  • Zend Optimizer
  • JAVA™
  • Java Servlets
  • TomCat
  • ColdFusion
  • Python
  • mod_python
  • Sablotron
  • FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions
  • Your own scripts allowed

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Mail Hosting Features

Reliable, Secure and Scalable Email Solution

Mail is the very first and most essential of all Internet Services. The importance of Mail can be hardly overestimated. Everyone needs fast, secure and reliable mail services and no one wants to miss a love letter or a business offer from a potential customer that can change the life. That's why the range of Mail Hosting Features a web hosting provider offers is extremely important and AlterHosting Mail Services can satisfy most demanding needs. The list of Mail Hosting Features AlterHosting provides includes among others the following:

  • Mail accounts like
  • MX record managemnt (Split MAIL and HTTP traffic)
  • Secure POP, Secure IMAP
  • PGP encryption and PGP keyes
  • WebMail (IMP, Suirrelmail orother webmail of your choice)
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Unlimited size for Attachments
  • Any E-mail software can be used (Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Messenger, Eudora, The Bat! etc)
  • Improved Virus Protection
  • SPAM Protection
  • Unlimited Email Aliases, redirects, autoresponders
  • MailMan Mailing list manager
  • Easy Web-based Administration
    • mail accounts creation and management (set limits for users)
    • user mail accounts password management
    • mail aliases management
    • mail redirects and forwarders management
    • mail autoresponders management
    • mail groups management
    • mailling lists creation and management
    • etc
  • 100% ad-free
  • Free Unlimited Customer Support

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Database Hosting Features

Database Support That Makes Your Site Live

Databases came in use much earlier than Internet and Web Hosting Services. Their primary goal was to keep the data and allow easy data manipulation. But now you can hardly imagine a site or hosting services without Database Features. Even Address Book in your Webmail Program needs a Database. Simple GuestBook on your site will require a Database, Forum will need Database support as well... AlterHosting provides not only Database Support but also user-friendly web-based interface that allow even to a web novice to manage a database easily.
To make it even easier we at AlterHosting helps our clients move their databases from previous hosting service providers. Database Hosting Features provided by AlterHosting include:

  • Database Support
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
  • Web-Based Management Interface
    • Unlimited database creation
    • Database users and passwords management
    • Importing/exporting data
    • Making a dump and restoring database from a dump

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E-Commerce Hosting Features

Make you money in your sleep

E-commerce is the wave of the future. Selling your products and services online allows you to reach a global population with unprecedented buying power. Your online business will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - you can even sell while you sleep.
AlterHosting Team have all necessary technology and expertise for you start selling products or services on-line. AlterHosting E-commerce Hosting features include all you will need to start E-commerce site:

  • Domain Name
  • Hosting Account with SSL Server Support
  • SSL certificate
  • Merchant Account/Payment Gateway
  • Shopping Cart
  • Custom Intergration with Payment Gatewayt

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Application Hosting Features

Everyone Needs More Than a Site

It's become a simple truth for everyone that site is not number of flat formatted text pages with images, but multi-feature interactive system. Nobody wants just a site - everyone needs “more”: community needs a forum, youngsters need a blog or diary, and artist wants to sell his paintings over the internet, some needs news portals etc. Even if you need a simple site you'll want at least add your news and latest photos and you'll surely want your site visitors send you a feedback from your site. This all means Application Hosting. We at AlterHosting understood the value and importance of it that's why we offer our clients feature-rich Application hosting, with constantly updated list of scripts and applications library.
Plus you get superior customer support to help you cope with installation and tuning. Shall you fail to find a script just for your specific needs in our library, our support people will advise and help you find a best solution. Application Hosting Features provided by AlterHosting include among others:

  • Ad Management
  • Affiliate Programs
  • Auctions
  • Blog
  • Bookmark Management
  • Calculators
  • Calendars
  • Chat Scripts
  • Classified Ads
  • Click Tracking
  • Communication Tools
  • Content Management
  • Counters
  • Customer Support
  • Database Tools
  • Date and Time
  • Development Tools
  • Discussion Boards
  • E-Commerce
  • Error Handling
  • Exchanges
  • FAQ and Knowledgebase
  • File Manipulation
  • Financial Tools
  • Flash and PHP
  • Form Processors
  • Games and Entertainment
  • Graphs and Charts
  • Groupware Tools
  • Guestbooks
  • Image Galleries
  • Image Manipulation

  • Link Checking
  • Link Indexing
  • Mailing List Managers
  • Multimedia
  • Music Libraries
  • Networking Tools
  • News Publishing
  • Organizers
  • Polls and Voting
  • Portal Systems
  • Postcards
  • Quote Display
  • Randomizing
  • Redirection
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Search Engines
  • Security Systems
  • Site Navigation
  • Site Recommendation
  • Software Repository
  • Top Sites
  • URL Submitters
  • User Authentication
  • User Management
  • Virtual Communities
  • WAP and WML
  • Web Fetching
  • Web Rings
  • Web Search
  • Web Traffic Analysis
  • XML and PHP

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Multimedia Hosting Features

MultiMedia Applications That Drive Visitors to Your Site

To really drive your message to your site visitors you often need to rely on the latest production techniques that can deliver interactivity to your target audience. Multimedia applications come in many different varieties, all of which allow you to create visual and or audio enhancements to your website. Multimedia technologies allow web surfers to watch films, play music, play games. Multimedia features support allow you to present information in different formats, for example special formats for mobile phones or pocket PCs.
Multimedia Hosting Features supported by AlterHosting include:

  • Streaming Audio
  • Streaming Video
  • Shockwave and Flash support
  • Image Manipulation support
  • Image Magicksupport
  • NetPBMsupport
  • GD librarysupport
  • MIME typessupport
  • MIDIsupport
  • WAP/WMLsupport
  • MP3support
  • Java Appletssupport

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FTP Hosting Features

Exchanging and Storing Files

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the most reliable and fast way to upload or download the files over the Internet. When you upload the files or edit the site or allow users download some materials, you'll most likely use FTP services. That's why reliable and secure FTP server is most important. This is what you get with every AlterHosting Hosting Package.
Sometimes you may need NOT a Website, or Mail solution, but they need exchange files and store files. For this needs, we worked our special FTP solutions at no additional cost.
FTP Hosting Features AlterHosting offers include the following:

  • Unlimited FTP access
  • No Limits for files size transferred
  • File Manager
  • Any FTP Client can be used (CuteFTP, CoffeeCUP, WSFTP, FAR MAnafer etc)
  • Web-Based Forms for Uploading/Downloading files
  • Unlimited FTP accounts for users
  • Administration Interface for FTP management
  • Anonymous FTP accounts supported

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Site Building and Content Management

Free Site Builder and Content Manager with all packages

Having a site has become an essential part of our reality. Everyone wants to have a site and maintain control over a site's look and feel. Unlike different costly programs that may require special knowledge to use them, WebEdit Site Builder and Content Manager we offer to our clients is FREE with all hosting packages and easy-to-use. With AlterHosting Hosting Package you can create the site you want and manage and maintain it with ease. Most important WebEdit features include among the others the following:

  • Lots of site templates to choose from
  • No FTP or HTML knowledge is required
  • Word processor-like editor
  • 100% browser based
  • Image insertion and automatic upload
  • Search/replace in WYSIWYG and HTML
  • Open and save to local files
  • Forms
  • Spell check
  • 508 compliance
  • Hyperlink and bookmark support
  • Table and cell support
  • Special and extended characters
  • Format using style classes or font tags
  • Drag & drop, customizable toolbar
  • Print
  • Undo and redo
  • Add bullets, numbers
  • Indent and justify text
  • Foreground/background color
  • Absolutely position pictures, tables, etc.

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Site Promotion Packages

More than 100 Search Engines Submission

included in all hosting packages. The first step in attracting the right kind of visitors to your site is getting listed on the search engines. More than 85% of web surfers use search engines to find what they are looking for on the net. AlterHosting.Com can help you drive traffic to your site by announcing your site to all major search engines on the Net!
General Automatic Site Submission to 100 Major Search Engines is Free with all hosting packages!
If you want to to optimize your site's relevancy and visibility with search engines to improve your search positions we offer SEO (Search Engine Optimization package) for $100/year, that inludes the following Site Promotion Features:

  • Manual Site Submission to 200 Search Engines
  • E-mail reports on Listings Submission to Different Search Engines
  • Quaterly Visibility Report with analysis containing recommendations of specific actions to improve your search results
  • 3 web pages detailed critic analysis for 3 Search engines of your choice with specific recommendations to increase your search engine visibility, conversion and ROI

Improving your visibility with the search engines and competing with other web sites for a top position isn't easy. AlterHosting Search Engine Optimization package is the tool that will help you to get higher ranking in search engines listing and thus driving highly-targeted and qualified traffic to your web site and increasing sales.

Presale FAQ

Q: How long it takes to activate new account?

A: The account is active immediately after you sign up with AlterHosting. Your site will be on-line as soon as new domain name registration in completed, that takes about 24 hours for new domains, or as soon as DNS propagation is completed for existing domains (about 48 hours after you make successful changes to Domain Name Servers (DNS).

Limited Time Special
Limited Time Offer
Supported Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, Dinners Club, OnlineCheck
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