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Absolute URL

The Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource that includes the protocol and complete network location of the page or file. The absolute URL includes a protocol, such as “http”, network location, and optional path and file name. For example, is an absolute URL.

Active hyperlink

A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color.


Base URL

An optional URL that you assign to a page to convert relative URLs on the page into absolute URLs. A base URL should end with a document name part, such as http://sample/sample.htm, or a trailing slash, such as http://sample/subdir/.

Bulleted list

A paragraph style that creates a single list element, usually indicated by a bullet character. Also called an unordered list.

Bulletin board

An Internet service that makes multiple discussion groups available.


CGI or Gateway script

CGI, or common gateway interface, provides a standardized method for Web servers to send a user request to an application and receive information back to the user. For example, when you click on URL link the Web server sends the requested page to you.CGI is a part of the HTTP protocol. CGI works in many different languages and across several different platforms.



A paragraph type that is displayed in a large, bold typeface. The size of a heading is related to its level: Heading 1 is the largest, Heading 2, the next largest, and so on. Use headings to name pages and parts of pages.

Home page (Personal Home Page)

The starting point on a Web server. It is the page that is retrieved and displayed by default when a user visits the Web server. The default home-page name for a server depends on the server’s configuration. On most Web servers, it is index.html or index.htm. Some servers support multiple home pages.


The CERN image map dispatcher. This program handles server-side image maps when the image map style is “CERN”.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

The standard language for describing the contents and structure of pages on the World Wide Web.

HTML attribute

A name-value pair used within an HTML tag to assign additional properties to the object being defined.

HTML character encoding

A table that associates a numeric index with each character in a character set. The table is used when you create a Web page for use in a specific language.

HTML tag

A symbol used in HTML to identify a page element's type, format, and structure.

HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol)

The Internet protocol that allows World Wide Web browsers to retrieve information from servers


A jump from text or from an image map to a page or other type of file on the World Wide Web. In World Wide Web pages, hyperlinks are the primary way to navigate between pages and among Websites.



A graphic in GIF or JPEG file format that can be inserted in a World Wide Web page. FrontPage lets you import images in the following formats and insert them as GIF or JPEG: GIF, JPEG, BMP (Windows and OS/2), TIFF, TAG, PCD, RAS, EPS, PCX, and WMF.


The NCSA image map dispatcher. This program handles server-side image maps when the image map style is “NCSA”.

IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet software that divides data into packets for transmission over the Internet. Computers must run IP to communicate across the Internet. See also TCP.

IP address (Internet Protocol address)

The standard way of identifying a computer that is connected to the Internet, much the way a telephone number identifies a telephone on a telephone network. The IP address is four numbers separated by periods, and each number is less than 256, for example, Your system administrator or Internet service provider will assign your machine an IP address.



A general-purpose programming language created by Sun Microsystems. Java can be used to create Java applets. A Java program is downloaded from the Web server and interpreted by a program running on the machine containing the Web browser.

Java applet

A short program written in Java that is attached to a World Wide Web page and executed by the browser machine.


A cross-platform, World Wide Web scripting language developed by Netscape Communications. JavaScript code is inserted directly into the HTML page.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group

A color image format with excellent compression for most kinds of images. JPEG is commonly used on the World Wide Web for 24-bit color images.



Linux is a free operating system originally Linus Torvalds form Finland. Linux is based on the Unix operating system and includes features such as true multitasking, memory management, virtual memory, demand loading, networking and shared libraries. Linux runs in protected mode and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit multitasking.


Mail Autoresponders

Mail Autoresponders are automatic replies to email sent to a particular mail name. Autoresponders can include both a text message and attachment files. This mail function is often used on mail accounts for individuals who are away for a certain period of time, or unable to check their mail for any number of reasons.

Mail Group

Mail Groups are used for sending e-mail to a group of people through one address rather than to each individual address. Mail groups save your time and efforts in reaching several people at once; you only have to create one e-mail message to the group rather than several identical messages to everyone.

Mail Redirect

Mail redirects are used to forward or to redirect email from one POP3 mailbox to another email address. By creating an email redirect or alias, messages are sent to a different email box without the sender needing to know the new address. Email can be redirected to an address outside the domain.

Meta tag

An HTML tag that must appear in the portion of the page. Meta tags supply information about the page but do not affect its display. A standard meta tag, “generator”, is used to supply the type of editor that created the HTML page.


Network location

In a URL, the unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in Also called host name and Internet address.



The portion of a URL that identifies the folders containing a file. For example, in the URL /greetings.htm, the path is /hello/world/.


A file format that compresses its image data with RLE-type compression, used by early versions of Windows PaintBrush.


PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. PHP is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages.


One of a set of software modules that integrate into Web browsers to offer a range of interactive and multimedia capabilities.


POP3, or Post Office Protocol Version 3,is a method used to receive electronic mail across the Internet, accommodating different mail software packages and systems. POP3 receives and holds all your emails on a server.


One of the network input/output channels of a computer running TCP/IP. In the World Wide Web, port usually refers to the port number a server is running on. A single computer can have many Web servers running on it, but only one server can be running on each port. The default port for World Wide Web servers is 80.


The settings and values that characterize an item on the web, such as the title and URL of a web, the file name and path of a file, or the name and initial value of a form field.


A method of accessing a document or service over the Internet, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Also called type

Proxy server

An Internet server that acts as a firewall, mediating traffic between a protected network and the Internet.



Qmail is a secure and highly reliable e-mail message handling system. Qmail is fast and uses little memory. Users can create their own mail lists, and system administration is minimal. Qmail uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for message exchange with other systems.


Relative URL

The Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource with respect to the Internet address of the current page. A relative URL gives the path from the current location of the page to the location of the destination page or resource. A relative URL can optionally include a protocol. For example, the relative URL doc/sample.htm refers to the page sample.htm in the directory doc, below the current directory.



Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Defines a way to mail servers communicate in order to transmit and receive E-Mail messages.


A type of computer code than can be directly executed by a program that understands the language in which the script is written. Scripts do not need to be compiled into object code to be executed.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

A low-level protocol that enables secure communications between a server and a browser.


A computer that offers services on a network. On the World Wide Web, the server is the computer that runs the Web server program that responds to HTTP protocol requests by providing Web pages. Also called host.

Shared Hosting

Hosting service that allows you to effectively manage your site by sharing server space with other clients allowing for a lower cost of service.


A web page address within a primary domain that points to a sub-directory within the primary domain. For example, is a domain. is a sub-domain, or subdirectory within the domain. The reason you can get to without typing (you can type simply is the “www” is the default sub-domain of the primary domain of



One or more rows of cells on a page used to organize the layout of a page or arrange data systematically.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

Internet networking software that controls the transmission of packets of data over the Internet. Among its tasks, TCP checks for lost packets, puts the data from multiple packets into the correct order, and requests that missing or damaged packets be resent. Computers must run TCP to communicate with World Wide Web servers.


A set of designed formats for text and images on which web pages can be based.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

A tag-based image format. TIFF is designed to promote universal interchanges of digital images.


URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A string that supplies the Internet address of a resource on the World Wide Web, along with the protocol by which the resource is accessed. The most common URL type is “http”, which gives the Internet address of a World Wide Web page. Some other URL types are “gopher”, which gives the Internet address of a Gopher directory, and “ftp”, which gives the address of an FTP resource.


An operating system typically used on proprietary workstations and computers. Some World Wide Web servers run on UNIX systems.


Virtual Hosting

Hosting service designed to provide you with the tools you need to effectively manage your presence on the Internet.

Visited Hyperlink

A hyperlink on a page that has been activated. Visited hyperlinks are usually displayed in a unique color by the browser.

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