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AlterHosting LLC. Web site, mail and application hosting provider.
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Unix Web Hosting and Email

Get all the power of UNIX web hosting and email

Our experience has led us to choose UNIX based systems to provide the highest levels of performance, availability, and reliability possible for you. You can read why most people prefer Unix Web Hosting and Email...

All our Hosting Plans Feature Unix Web Hosting and Email, below is the list of general Unix Web Hosting and Email features supported with every hosting package that start from $3.99/mo. To compare prices and resources for every particular account (disk space allocated, monthly data transfer, number of mail accounts, number of domains allowed etc) please, click here to view Unix Web Hosting and Email Plans Comparison Chart.

Unix Web Hosting and Email Features

  • Web Hosting Features
    • graphical web site statistics
    • raw logs
    • .htaccess
    • password protecting folders
    • custom error pages
    • mod_rewrite
    • mod_ssl
    • error_docs
    • mod_includes (Server Side Includes)
  • Mail Hosting Features
    • 10 Mail Accounts
    • IMAP, POP, SMTP, Secure POP, Secure IMAP
    • WebMail (IMP, Squirrelmail or other webmail of your choice)
    • Unlimited size for Attachments
    • Improved Virus Protection and SPAM Protection
    • Unlimited Email Aliases, redirects, autoresponders
    • MailMan Mailing list manager
    • 100% ad-free
  • Database Hosting Features
    • Unlimited databases
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
  • FTP Hosting Features
    • Unlimited FTP access
    • File Manager
    • Unlimited FTP accounts for users
    • Anonymous FTP accounts supported2

2 Anonymous FTP is available as addon; $25 setup fee, $2 per month (It's FREE with Expert Package).

  • Interactive Hosting Features
    • CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
    • Perl and Perl Modules
    • PHP and PEAR
    • Zend Engine and Zend Optimizer
    • JAVA
    • Java Servlets
    • TomCat
    • XML/XSLT
    • Sablotron
    • FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions
  • Multimedia Hosting Features
    • Streaming Audio and Video
    • Shockwave and Flash support
    • Image Magic and NetPBM
    • GD library support
  • Client Support Advantages
New Special Offer:

Our new hosting package HIT for only $7.99/mo features:

  • 1 GB Disk Space
  • 1 GB Disk Space for Daily Backups
  • 10 GB Traffic
  • Unlimited MailBoxes
  • Free Spam Filter
  • Free AntiVirus Software
  • Free Database Support
  • All Other Unix Web Hosting Features

Presale FAQ

Q: If I change host to AlterHosting, will there be any downtime?

A: No, if you set up mails and upload the site files to new server before changing DNS there will be no downtime during the move.

Supported Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, Dinners Club, OnlineCheck
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